Student Ministries

Our Mission

Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.

Matthew 22:34-40 NIV

In other words, Matthew 22:40 tells us that everything in scripture and therefore everything in our lives should be all about loving God and loving others. This simple summary of scripture and life derived from Matthew 22:40 is the mission of the student ministry of Prairie Grove Christian Church.


22Forty exists to teach students to Love God, Love Others, and Serve Others.

Our Ministry

At 22Forty, we believe in creating an environment where students can be in the Word, be in God’s presence through worship, grow in their relationship with Christ, grow in community with each other, and have fun! We try to implement these five crucial elements in every programming element that we do throughout the week and throughout the year! We also believe that Junior High students and High School students are at somewhat similar but very different stages in life and that they benefit greatly from separate ministry environments. Therefore, we essentially operate two ministries at 22Forty – a High School ministry for 9th-12th graders and a Junior High ministry for 6th-8th graders.
  • Midweek Programming (September – April)
    • Our midweek programming, or youth group time, is the main entry point into our ministry. Each week we spend time in Worship, study the Word, and build community through small groups, games, and videos.
      • Junior High Youth Group – Wednesday Nights from 6:00-7:30 PM
      • High School Youth Group – Wednesday Nights from 7:00-8:30 PM
  • Sunday Morning Core Class
    • Core Class is where we take a knowledge-oriented approach to the passage or topic that we are studying that week during our youth group time. Think Sunday school but more discussion-oriented.
      •  High School Core Class from 9:00-10:15 AM in the Station
      •  Junior High Core Class from 9:00-10:15 AM in the Station
  • Sunday Morning Worship
    • We believe that it is crucial for students to grow and worship not just with kids their own age but with the church as a whole. Therefore, we do not offer a Sunday morning worship service just for students but rather we participate in corporate worship with the entire body of PGCC on Sundays from 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM.
  • Discipleship Groups
    • 22Forty’s discipleship groups, or D-Groups, meet at various times and in various places throughout the week. These groups are for those students who have shown commitment to our youth group, commitment to our church, and a desire to grow and be held accountable in their relationship with Christ.
  • Trips and Events
    • 22Forty puts on numerous trips and events throughout the year for students to participate in. Many of these trips and events are intensive times where students have a much better chance of connecting with our youth group family, building shared experiences with other 22Forty students, and being pushed to grow in their relationship with Christ.  Girly Getaway, UNITED Events, Cross Cultural Missions Trips, and many more!

Connect with Us

The best way to get the most accurate information about 22Forty is through the Remind App…

  • High School Students – Add the class ‘2240hs’ in the Remind App or text ‘@2240hs’ to the number 81010.
  • High School Parents – Add the class ‘2240hspars’ in the Remind App or text ‘@2240hspars’ to the number 81010.
  • Junior High Students – Add the class ‘2240jh’ in the Remind App or text ‘@2240jh’ to the number 81010.
  • Junior High Parents – Add the class ‘2240jhpars’ in the Remind App or text ‘@2240jhpars’ to the number 81010.


You can also find info on 22Forty’s Instagram and Facebook pages or you can contact Matt directly at the church office

(479) 846-4181 or


For any of our Sunday Morning or Midweek programming times, simply bring your student to the Station. We’ll enter in their information and picture into our database and they’ll be good to go!

Usually…NO. But once or twice a year we do what we call UNITED Events where we do youth group with our Junior High and High School groups together. We have extra adult volunteers on those nights to provide added supervision and security.

On a normal youth group week, we have 8 volunteers monitoring different areas of our student campus. We also have many more committed volunteers who attend youth group each week whether they are on schedule or not because they love our students! We also have a paid, off-duty police officer patrolling campus each week as well.

Yes! We are an open book and we welcome any parent to come see what we do! However, we do NOT allow any adults to be around our students without a current background check on file for them. Background check consent forms are available for you to fill out and you will be able to attend youth group once or twice after your background check comes back.

Contact us and we would love to setup a time to meet with you and your student to talk about accepting Christ and being baptized!

Of course it is! However, we are not in the business of stealing cattle from other peoples pastures. Therefore, we strongly encourage every student to attend their own church’s youth group. But if their church doesn’t have a youth group or they do not have enough students to constitute a youth group, we would love to be their youth group home while they continue to be involved at their own church on Sunday mornings.

That’s a great question! In short, we are a Non-Denominational Christian Church. But you can find a lot more information about who we are and what we believe here. But if you’d like to discuss this more or have questions feel free to contact Matt because he would love to discuss who we are and what we believe with you!